Author Services

It is always an incredible feeling to publish an article in a reputable journal, no matter how many times you have published before. At Insight Knowledge, we have a team of experts to assist you with a step-by-step guide to ease the entire publishing process of your research work.

Choose a Suitable Journal

Insight Knowledge publishes a series of peer-reviewed, open-access, and discipline-specific academic journals bringing together strong editorial leadership and well equip publication infrastructure to serve the global scientific community. As an author, you should carefully choose the right fit journal for publication and make sure it matches the scope of your research work and serves the audience you wish to reach. Visit the IK Journal Series page to learn more about these journals.

Preparing the Manuscript Draft

Once you choose a suitable journal for your research work, the next step is to start drafting the manuscript. In order to get it right and maximize the chances of acceptance, please carefully read the guidelines for authors that include essential information regarding what you need to do before submitting a manuscript to your chosen journal.

Manuscript Submission

Now that you have selected a suitable journal and done the drafting of your manuscript, the next step is to submit the article through the online submission system. Before submitting the manuscript online, please make sure that you've got everything ready as per the journal format.

For online submission of your article, please go to the selected journal’s website.

Internal/External Peer Review Process

Upon submission of the manuscript, one of the in-house editors will critically check the article on the basis of scope, plagiarism, and relevance to the journal, and if it passes all these checks, the article will be sent out to be reviewed by two-three field experts. In order to get acceptance for publication, the article must survive the peer-review process as it ensures the quality and validity of data.

Editorial Workflow for Internal and external peer-review process

Making Revision

During the peer-review process, you may be requested minor/major changes to improve your manuscript. At this step, the author is advised to attend all the comments and instructions marked by the reviewer and editor and modify the article accordingly. Attending to the reviewer’s comments seriously will ensure that your article is as robust and impactful as possible.

Manuscript Acceptance

Once the article survives the peer-review process and marked revisions, the article will be assigned to the production department for copy editing, and the editor will contact the corresponding author with final proofs.

Maximizing the Impact of your Research

One of the unique features of IK publishing is the post-publishing promotion activities. These are meant to increase the visibility, accessibility, and readership of your manuscript, amplifying your publications' impact.